2018 Strategies : Time to stop adhering to the rules

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The story is often told that, a typical man will see a job description, read it, recognize he has only 10% of the skill set needed and still applies for the job.

Where on the other side of the spectrum, a Women will wait until she has over 90% of the skill set on the job description before applying to the role

This has being attributed to a lack of confidence on the part of women and over confidence on the part of men.

 Turns out the theory of confidence is wrong! I repeat wrong!

A Harvard Business Review researcher debunks the myth


HBR Report




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The research basically says, the real reason why women don’t apply for jobs they don’t have most of the skill set is:

Common sense: AKA If  I didn’t think they would hire me since I didn’t meet the qualifications, and I didn’t want to waste my time and energy


The fact is women/girls are mostly trained to follow the rules and hence the belief that the hiring process is basically a meritocracy when the people with the rights skills get the job is ingrained when actually the hiring process as one where advocacy, relationships, or a creative approach to framing one’s expertise could overcome not having the skills and experiences outlined in the job qualifications.

So it’s not a confidence thing, it’s about learning that the hiring process is not a meritocracy, it is much more complex and adapting.