So it looks like many people want to hack mobile money platforms in Ghana
Mobile Money is an interest of mine and so it has been a thing of pride for me that when one searches “MTN Mobile Money Ghana”,”Tigo Cash” ,”Mobile Money Ghana” or various variants of these words my blog comes up on the 1st or 2nd pages in the search results.
I have written quite a good number of articles on the subject of mobile money in Ghana; I have also mentioned on Social media countless time that I am slightly irritated that of the monthly 1,500 page-views on my blog 30% of those for 2 years running are centered around a number of mobile money articles including :
- Comparison between Mobile Money services Tigo ( Customer on boarding journey and charges)
- Yeah Mobile Money Numbers in Ghana suck
Even though I have written countless articles before and after them, there are still daily hits on these articles
It is even more surprising from the analysis to realize that 70% of my readerships are first time readers and over 52% of the traffic to the site comes from Google searches
I decided to take greater look at these articles to answer with data from Google analytics the questions why these are articles are so popular.
Case Study (MTN vs Tigo Mobile Money)
Take the Comparison between Mobile Money services Tigo and MTN blog article for example 69% of people who read it found it via a Google search and only 3% are finding the blog article via social media or referral site. The rest went directly to the blog.
What were the readers on searching for on Google when they found the MTN vs. Tigo Mobile money blog?
Google Webmaster keyword searches for the Mobile money articles are :
- Tigo Cash
- Tigo Cash Ghana
- MTN Mobile Money Agent Commission rates
- MTN mobile money agent requirements
- MTN mobile money
- How to hack MTN mobile money
- MTN money transfer
- Mobile money in Ghana
- CEO of Tigo Ghana
- MTN mobile money charges
- Tigo cash charges
- How to become an MTN mobile money agent
- Tigo mobile money
And interesting a spike for Google searches on:
- How to hack MTN mobile money
- How to hack Tigo mobile money
Even on Slideshare
I created a presentation with pretty much the same information in the MTN vs. Tigo Mobile Money blog and uploaded it on and until a couple of weeks ago .it was one of my highest views on Slideshare with over 250 views
The MTN vs. Tigo Mobile Money presentation it was knocked off the podium by my future of technology in West Africa presentation with over 900 views and 33 actions
(P.s my future of technology presentation slide was the most shared Slideshare in Africa on Facebook for the day it was uploaded )
Why I am sharing this
So why am I sharing this? Well I suspect I have become one of the trusted sources of mobile money information, I daresay I am the most read blog in Ghana on the topic of mobile money and I would like to help point mobile money providers in the direction of the kind of information the users are looking for and to help plug the info gap.
Most importantly if people are looking for ways to hack these platforms I suspect there is teaching and learning opportunity telecoms/providers to create robust systems.
By the way the top searches that find overall are
- Tigo cash
- Roshi Motman(Tigo CEO)
- Tigo cash Ghana
- Lucy Quist(Airtel CEO)
- E-commerce in Ghana
- Ecommerce in Ghana
- CEO of Tigo Ghana
- MTN Mobile Money Agent Commission Rates
So I suspect my Blog tagline needs to become Mobile Money; Powerful telecom CEO’s and Ecommerce