Women in Tech Africa Nominated for the WORLD SUMMIT ON THE INFORMATION SOCIETY PRIZES 2019[Please Vote]
Women in Tech Africa are excited to announce that 2019 has started on a ‘winning’ note.
Women in Tech Africa has been nominated for the WSIS Prizes 2019 –the category (Action Line) C6.
We encourage you to show your support for the vision by voting for WOMEN IN TECH AFRICA in the category (Action Line) C6.
Deadline for votes is 10th of February and is open to the public so everyone can vote.
How to vote?
1. Go to the link: https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/stocktaking/Prizes/2019/Vote
2. Register as a new user
3. Log in to your account
4. Go to the “Voting Form”
5. Vote in each of 18 category (only then your vote is valid!), THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO PROGRESS TO THE NEXT CATEGORY
Here is a video on how to vote: https://www.facebook.com/WSISprocess/videos/549942075416012/
We appreciate your time and effort for making this a great win.
About WSIS
he World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) was a two-phase United Nations-sponsored summit on information, communication and, in broad terms, the information society
WSIS Prizes is a unique international contest developed in response to requests from the WSIS stakeholders to create an effective mechanism to evaluate and recognize individuals, governments, civil society, local, regional and international agencies, research institutions and private-sector companies for outstanding success in implementing development oriented strategies that leverage the power of ICTs as an enabler of the development. The WSIS Prizes contest is an integral part of the WSIS stocktaking process; set up in 2004 to assist WSIS implementation and follow-up. The contest was held for the first time in 2012, and rapidly gained attention and popularity within the ICT for Development (ICT4D) community.
Building upon the outcomes of the United Nations General Assembly Overall Review on WSIS as well as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the WSIS Prizes 2016 reflect close linkages with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The WSIS Prizes contest serves as the platform for identifying and showcasing the success stories across the WSIS Action Lines defined in the Geneva Plan of Action and SDGs. It also provides us with models that can be replicated in the interests of empowering the community at the local level, providing everyone with an opportunity to participate in the contest and, most importantly, recognizing the efforts made by stakeholders to contribute to the development of society and their commitment to achievement of both the WSIS goals and SDGs.