Find of the week – (Twitter)
I just came across , is this an awesome idea or what !!
Basically organizes links shared on Twitter into an easy to read newspaper-style format. Newspapers can be created for any Twitter user, list or #tag.
A great way to stay on top of all that is shared by the people you follow – even if you are not connected 24/7
So A user can basically begin to publish in newspaper format
1.All their twitter links or
2.The twitter links of people on their twitter list or
3.All twitter links from a hash tag
1.if you host events like i do you can basically create a giant newspaper of all thoughts and links from events
2.if you use twitter hash tags for discussions amongst users .. can u see the advantages of capturing all the that info in one place
and it alleviates the guilt of not blogging as much because you are always tweeting(well at least for me ) because all my link are in one place and i can put the link on my !!bingo
My favorite newspaper at the moment is The most influential people in tech Daily
Now they need to allow that newspaper to be converted to PDF…..*cough cough* feature request :)