Author: ethelcofie

IT Strategy Evaluation: A Comprehensive Guide for Boards and C-Level Executives

The landscape of IT strategy is ever-evolving, and the urgency for boards and C-Level executives to adapt and innovate has never been higher. The ongoing digital transformation has made IT not just an operational necessity but a critical business enabler. While most companies understand the importance of IT strategy, knowing how to evaluate it effectively and innovatively remains a challenge. This blog aims to dissect the various ways businesses can overhaul their approach to IT strategy evaluation by adopting data-backed insights and real-world practices.

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 Why Your Dream Job Doesn’t Exist Yet: The Secret to Crafting Your Own Career

Who said you have to follow a traditional career path to be successful? In today’s rapidly evolving world, the concept of a “career” is no longer confined to a single job title or industry. Just like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, John Grisham, and Charles Michael, you too can redefine what a career means to you. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can break the mold and turn your unique blend of skills into a novel career path.

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Calculating (Return on Investment )ROI for Your Digital Transformation? Here’s How to Do It Right

If you’re like most business leaders nowadays, you’ve probably wondered whether undergoing a digital transformation at your company will actually pay off. It’s a fair question. After all, digital transformations require massive investments of time, money and effort.
Luckily, there are proven ways to calculate the ROI for digital transformation initiatives. In this post, I’ll walk you through the key steps so you can feel confident in the business case and returns before kicking off any major technology-driven change.

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The Risks and Rewards of Building a Strong Personal Brand: Navigating Professional Jealousy

Building a strong and visible reputation and personal brand is essential for career growth. However, it comes with inherent risks, one of which is professional jealousy. If you’re always winning and always visible, you may breed resentment among those around you. How can you mitigate these risks while continuing to grow your personal brand?

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Professional Jealousy in the Corporate World: A Desire, Not a Sin

Professional Jealousy in the Corporate World: A Desire, Not a Sin

Have you ever found yourself glancing enviously at a colleague’s promotion? Or perhaps you’ve felt a pang of jealousy as someone else landed that big opportunity you’ve been eyeing? In the bustling corridors of corporate leadership, where ambitions soar and dreams are pursued relentlessly, professional jealousy is a common companion. But what if this jealousy isn’t a dark shadow but a beacon guiding you towards your true desires? What if it’s not a sign of failure but a testament to your ambition? Let’s delve into the intricate world of professional jealousy, explori

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