

Ethel Cofie

Hello  There ,

I  am Ethel Cofie and Welcome to my blog ,

This blog is an expression of my work in many ways: technology  ,user experience issues  and technology advice for businesses

What  i do…


My job to help businesses support their efforts to make profit, provides customers with great service/product and provide excellent customer service by providing excellent and appropriate technology solutions. I do this mostly in Europe and Africa

My Story So Far

2006-2007: Msc Distributed Systems at Brighton University (Brighton UK).

2007-2010:  Business and Systems Analyst with  RDF Solutions in the UK.

2009: Founder of  BarCamp Africa UK Unconference gatherings (Annual Event).

2010: Technology Consultant Analyst  at the Bill and Melinda Gates Funded Project –Mobile Technology for Health in Ghana .

2010-Technical Consultng Head,Ford Foundation Funded project for crowd sourcing Nigerian election  data.

2010: Technology Consultant for Dream Perfect in Sierra Leone working on Mobile Technology Solutions.

2011-Commercial Solutions Manager managing a team of techncal and business  analyst Vodafone in Ghana.

2013-Coach/Judge Start-up weekend.

2013– Board of Advisers for  Chillax(Winner of the Start Up Weekend ,launching on 14th Feb 2014).

 ….feel free to Contact me at  ethel-at-ethelcofie-dot-com



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