Tag: leadership

Professional Jealousy in the Corporate World: A Desire, Not a Sin

Professional Jealousy in the Corporate World: A Desire, Not a Sin

Have you ever found yourself glancing enviously at a colleague’s promotion? Or perhaps you’ve felt a pang of jealousy as someone else landed that big opportunity you’ve been eyeing? In the bustling corridors of corporate leadership, where ambitions soar and dreams are pursued relentlessly, professional jealousy is a common companion. But what if this jealousy isn’t a dark shadow but a beacon guiding you towards your true desires? What if it’s not a sign of failure but a testament to your ambition? Let’s delve into the intricate world of professional jealousy, explori

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The Art of Saying No: Escaping Non-Promotable Tasks at Work

In every career journey you will encounter tasks that may not directly contribute to your upward mobility within an organization. These tasks, known as non-promotable tasks, can have implications for career advancement and job satisfaction. Let’s talk about the definition of non-promotable tasks, why it matters, provide examples, discuss their impact on careers, and offer strategies for saying NO .

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